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Small-Midsize Enterprise (SME)Me and My BusinessLittleOak Company and The Benefits of Purpose-Driven Business

LittleOak Company and The Benefits of Purpose-Driven Business

In this article, Elke Pascoe, the Founder and CEO of LittleOak Company, shares her personal journey and the inspiration behind her brand. LittleOak is dedicated to providing high-quality, natural nutrition for infants and toddlers. Through her story, Elke highlights the challenges parents face when seeking safe and nourishing formula alternatives. She emphasizes the importance of purpose-driven business practices and sustainable sourcing. This commitment ensures that every child has access to the best possible nutrition. Join Elke as she discusses how LittleOak is making a positive impact on families and future generations.

The Challenge: Breastfeeding and Formula Alternatives

There are many reasons why parents might not breastfeed. When this is the case, families need access to high-quality formula. Like many mothers, my breastfeeding journey was not simple. I needed formula to supplement my baby’s feeds. However, everything on the market caused adverse reactions in my children. In desperation, I researched various formulas, their ingredients, and processing methods. I found many formulas were full of processed ingredients and preservatives—far from natural. At that moment, I realized we needed to do better for our children.

The Birth of LittleOak and Our Mission

LittleOak Company was born from my struggle as a mother striving to provide the best for my children. This journey fueled my desire to help less fortunate families because no child should go to bed hungry. Our work at LittleOak is deeply personal to me; it is my passion and higher purpose—my ‘why.’

Our team shares this higher purpose, focusing on making the world a better place for children and families. We are dedicated to ensuring that every child has access to the best nutrition to grow and thrive. This commitment drives our daily operations. Our supply team searches the world for the best, most natural, and sustainable ingredients. Not only that, but our Careline team is also available 24/7 to support parents in their feeding journey. Our sales reps work tirelessly to make LittleOak products accessible to our families. Each team member seeks new partners to support families in need, embodying our mission of quality nutrition for all.

Commitment to Natural, Nourishing Alternatives

We are committed to helping each baby, mum, dad, and family with natural alternatives. When a mum can’t or chooses not to breastfeed, we offer a nourishing option. Every day, we strive for something bigger than ourselves. We contribute real value to the world. Our work positively impacts current and future generations.

The LittleOak Company and North Texas Foodbank
Source: Elke Pascoe’s LinkedIn

The Importance of a Higher Purpose

Here’s the thing: a higher purpose isn’t a ‘nice to have’ anymore. It is vital for attracting and retaining talent. It’s also crucial for connecting with consumers who demand more from brands. Simon Sinek’s TEDTalk, “Start with why,” emphasizes the importance of purpose. He says, “If you hire people just to do a job, they’ll work for your money. But if you hire people who believe what you believe, they’ll work for your blood, sweat, and tears.” This idea resonates with me. At LittleOak, we are a team of parents. In fact, some colleagues started as LittleOak consumers who believed in our mission. Our higher purpose is inseparable from the brand. It drives every employee every day. Purpose is critical for attracting and retaining the best talent.

Connecting with Millennial and Gen Z Parents

Our audience is largely Millennial parents aged 25-36. They are informed buyers seeking natural ingredients for their children. As our little ones grow up, Gen Z will become our primary audience. Their economic power is set to accelerate. LittleOak, like all businesses, must stay alert to Gen Z values and beliefs. Gen Z demands purpose and accountability from brands. They also demand sustainability commitments from businesses.

Our Commitment to Sustainability

At LittleOak Company, we’ve always known our ‘why.’ We provide quality nutrition for all families, helping those who struggle to do so. We prioritize sustainable practices for future generations. Everything stems from our ‘why.’ With a clear purpose, the rest falls into place.

Conclusion: The Power of Purpose

The key takeaway is that having a higher purpose isn’t just a perk. It is critical and must inform the entire company structure. It needs to be authentic and heartfelt. A genuine purpose is not just good—it’s great.

Devia Anggraini
Devia Anggraini
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