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Solve Education Annual Report 2023
InnovationEmerging TechnologiesiBioStim Pioneers a New Era in Sustainable Farming

iBioStim Pioneers a New Era in Sustainable Farming

Jeff Lim has over 20 years of experience in agri-food and healthcare. Through his innovative approaches, he has significantly impacted farm-to-human nutrition. Formerly representing Singapore in regional WHO meetings for Public Health and Safety, Jeff combines sharp business acumen with scientific expertise.

In 2020, he left a secure public service career to found J2Co and launch iBioStim. This agri-biotech company uses its technology to improve nutrient density in food to address cardiometabolic risk factors. After two years of trials, iBioStim was officially launched in 2023, offering a groundbreaking approach to sustainable agriculture.

The Agri-Biotech Revolution Era

Q: Can you share how your product or service has positively impacted a customer’s life?

A: At iBioStim, we address fundamental challenges related to plant metabolism at farms and orchards, significantly enhancing profitability and sustainability.

Q: How has your startup disrupted or transformed your industry?

A: While the agriculture industry (US, Europe, Africa, CECAB, and Middle-East) focuses on bulk production of fertilizers and biostimulants, we took a different approach.

We introduced novel bio-molecules, applied in parts per million (ppm) dosages, to improve harvest outcomes with zero environmental footprints. By enhancing the bioavailability of these biomolecules with iBioStim, we also addressed the rate-limiting step in nutrient uptake, supporting plant metabolism and reducing waste. We are the only regional producer tackling food safety and health implications by minimizing harmful synthetic chemical use, directly controlling exposure at the source, and ensuring strong profitability for farms and orchards.

Q: What feedback and recognition have you received from customers, partners, or industry experts?

A: We collaborate directly with large-scale, family-owned farms and orchards that share our sustainability mission. Feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, with customers describing our product as “magic,” reviving drought-stricken farms and orchards and securing harvests even under severe precipitation. This success is due to the natural cellular regenerative power of our active ingredients found in iBioStim.

The industry has also recognized our efforts by some coverage and publication.

Impact-Driven Business Starts Here

Q: What is your vision for your startup’s long-term impact and growth potential?

A: In 10 years, we aim to reach 1% of the global population, producing high-quality, nutrient-dense food crops that are free from contaminants and residues. By shifting the metabolic curve through innovations like iBioStim, we hope to positively impact gestational diseases. Therefore, our growth potential is limitless as we continue to expand one solid project at a time with our collaborators.

Q: How do your motivation and commitment drive you to create a meaningful impact?

A: Our goal is to enable a world where everyone can focus on their priorities without the burden of gestational diseases. We achieve this by doing what is right— returning what is taken from the soil that gives life. In Mandarin, we call it “饮水思源” (Yǐn shuǐ sī yuán), meaning “when drinking water, think of its source.” Our approach at iBioStim exemplifies this philosophy.

Impact on Global Health Is Just Beginning

Jeff Lim’s journey demonstrates the power of combining science with business. Through iBioStim, he’s improving food quality and public health on a global scale. Indeed, his work highlights the importance of innovation in creating meaningful impact with iBioStim.

The takeaway is clear: merging expertise and innovation can lead to significant positive changes in the world. Jeff’s story can inspire entrepreneurs who aim to make a difference, one project at a time.

Devia Anggraini
Devia Anggraini
Devia Anggraini 是 的资深主编,专注于发掘令人瞩目的创业故事和数据驱动的内容创作。她致力于为亚洲各地的公司提供平台,展示其创新和成就。通过她的深入洞察和引人入胜的文章内容,无论是初创企业还是成熟企业,Devia 确保它们获得应有的关注和认可



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