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Solve Education Annual Report 2023
PeopleDiversity and InclusionDiversity in Tech: Sushma's Barrier-Breaking Journey

Diversity in Tech: Sushma’s Barrier-Breaking Journey

Dive into Sushma’s inspiring journey as she breaks tech diversity barriers, championing inclusion and driving innovation. Discover her impactful work in digital transformation and its significant benefits for the industry.

Who is Sushma?

Sushma Krishnamurthy is a senior leader at VASPP and the founder of InzpireU. She has over 20 years of experience in digital transformation, focusing on Data and AI Product Strategy. Throughout her career, Sushma has guided technical visions, built high-performing teams, and driven innovation in product delivery.

Additionally, she is also dedicated to making a difference in the community through her non-profit, InzpireU. One of her significant achievements was creating an AI framework for early cancer detection in 2003, highlighting her expertise in medical technology.

In this article, Sushma shares her journey and thoughts on diversity in the technology industry.

Inclusion and Empowerment in Technology

As an Asian woman navigating the path of technology leadership, I’ve come to understand the profound impact of representation, inclusion, and empowerment in the workplace. As a Technology leader, my role isn’t just about leading innovation. It’s also about creating a culture where women are valued for their hard work and contributions. As you can see, it is not just diversity tokens.

In my journey to foster a culture of inclusion and empowerment, I’ve encountered varied reactions when discussing women’s roles and contributions in the workplace. From nods of agreement to the dismissive rolling of eyes, these reactions remind us of the challenges we still face. However, there’s a key truth: others’ perceptions should not define our self-worth or diminish our achievements.

Embracing Our Worth

As women, especially in fields where we are underrepresented, it’s crucial to anchor our sense of value in our hard work, expertise, and unique perspectives. The notion of being considered a “diversity hire” can be disheartening. However, we must navigate this perception with grace and confidence. The key is not to internalize these views but to challenge them through our excellence, leadership, and contributions.

The Importance of Genuine Inclusion

In the tech industry, where the gender gap is a well-documented challenge, the role of women, especially those from diverse backgrounds, becomes pivotal in reshaping the narrative. It’s not enough to fill quotas; it’s about creating environments where women are hired for their merit, skills, and the unique perspectives they bring to the table. As a leader, I advocate for a culture that moves beyond mere representation to genuine inclusion. This means recognizing the contributions of women as intrinsic to

Building a Supportive Community

Community plays a crucial role in empowering women in tech. It’s about creating spaces where women can find mentors, allies, and role models who have navigated similar paths. As a CTO, I prioritize building this community within our organization, encouraging open dialogues, sharing success stories, and acknowledging the challenges. Through this community, we can inspire, support, and uplift one another, creating a ripple effect that extends beyond our organization.

A Call for Cultural Shift

The journey towards a more inclusive and equitable workplace is ongoing. Therefore, a cultural shift that starts with individual awareness and extends to organizational practices is required. As leaders, colleagues, and allies, we must all be willing to challenge outdated stereotypes and advocate for a culture that recognizes the value of every individual. This means celebrating achievements, providing opportunities

As a CTO and a woman in technology, my commitment extends beyond technical innovation. It includes cultivating a workplace where women are acknowledged for their contributions, not their gender.

When we discuss women at work, it is crucial to move beyond superficial acknowledgments toward a deeper understanding and appreciation of each person’s value. While some may still hold onto outdated perceptions, we are responsible for not internalizing these views.

We deserve to be acknowledged for our contributions. It’s okay if others initially see us as fulfilling a diversity quota, as long as we don’t view ourselves that way. Our worth is defined by our hard work, dedication, and the impact we make. Together, we can continue to break barriers through resilience, advocacy, and the support of allies. We can certainly pave the way for a more inclusive, equitable, and diverse workplace.

Devia Anggraini
Devia Anggraini
Devia Anggraini 是 的资深主编,专注于发掘令人瞩目的创业故事和数据驱动的内容创作。她致力于为亚洲各地的公司提供平台,展示其创新和成就。通过她的深入洞察和引人入胜的文章内容,无论是初创企业还是成熟企业,Devia 确保它们获得应有的关注和认可



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