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PeopleHiring StrategiesLearning and Development Technology: How It Can Close Skill Gap

Learning and Development Technology: How It Can Close Skill Gap

Do new hires lack the skills you need? Learning and development technology will bridge this gap and empower them to excel with the right training tools. This article will share the impact of using L&D technologies.

Introduction to learning and development technology

The business world is changing fast these days. To stay ahead, companies need their workers to be flexible and learn new things. This can be tough, especially for new employees who might not have all the skills they need yet. This is where learning and development (L&D) technology comes in. It’s like a toolbox full of digital helpers designed to make learning easier and more fun.

Imagine online courses instead of boring textbooks, or even virtual classrooms where you can practice with other people. L&D technology can even make learning feel like a game! By using these tools, companies can create custom-made learning programs that fit the exact needs of their employees. This way, everyone gets the most up-to-date skills they need to succeed in their jobs.

The importance of closing the skills gap for new hires

The skills gap, a mismatch between the skills needed for a job and what employees actually bring to the table, is a major headache for companies across all industries. This gap can be especially big for new hires who might not have all the experience they need to hit the ground running.

Imagine a whopping 87% of companies worldwide believe they already have a skills gap, or will have one soon. And guess what? Nearly half of employees (46%) worry their current skills will be outdated by 2024. 

Therefore, things can go downhill fast if companies don’t address this skills gap. Productivity might take a dive, making it harder to get things done. It can also be tough to compete with other companies if your workforce isn’t up-to-date. Even worse, employees might get frustrated and leave, leading to high turnover. On top of that, forgetting about the skills gap can stifle innovation and growth, since it’ll be harder for employees to embrace new technologies.

Luckily, the good news is there’s a way out! By helping new hires close their skills gap, companies can make their transition to the job smoother. This sets the stage for a culture where everyone keeps learning and growing. The end result? A skilled and adaptable workforce that can keep the company running efficiently, happy customers, and a strong competitive edge in the market.

The role of learning and development technology in bridging the skills gap

Now, imagine L&D technology as a toolbox filled with digital helpers designed to close the skills gap for new hires. Here’s how these tools make learning awesome:

  • Learning on Your Own Terms: Unlike one-size-fits-all training, L&D tech lets new hires create personalized learning paths. This means they focus on what they actually need to learn, not wasting time on things they already know.
  • Learning on the Go: Forget bulky textbooks and classrooms! L&D tech uses mobile devices and online platforms, so new hires can learn anytime, anywhere. This makes it easier to fit training into busy schedules.
  • Learning Can Be Fun!: L&D technology can turn learning into a game! With features like simulations and interactive elements, new hires can learn and remember things better. It’s like playing a game, but instead of points, you gain valuable skills!
  • Tracking Your Progress: Like a fitness tracker for your brain, some L&D technology tracks how new hires are doing. This helps companies see what’s working and what’s not, so they can keep improving the learning experience.

By using these tools, companies can make sure new hires have the knowledge and skills they need to succeed from the very first day. This is a win-win for everyone: new hires feel confident and prepared, and companies get a skilled and productive workforce.

Different types of learning and development technology

There’s a whole toolbox full of L&D tech out there, and each tool helps with a different way of learning. Let’s see some of the coolest ones:

  • Online Learning Central: Imagine a one-stop shop for online courses, tracking progress, and chatting with instructors. That’s a Learning Management System (LMS), according to experts at CIPD. It keeps training organized and helps measure how well everyone is learning.
  • Virtual Classrooms: Think online classrooms where you can see and talk to your instructor and classmates in real-time. These are great for interactive learning and working together, especially for global teams, as Edstellar points out.
  • Learning in Small Bites: Complicated topics can be tough to swallow whole. That’s where Microlearning Platforms come in. They break things down into short, easy-to-learn chunks, often with games to make it more fun. CYPHER Learning says this is perfect for getting quick, relevant training exactly when you need it.
  • Learning on the Go: Always on the move? No problem! Mobile Learning Apps let you access training content anywhere, anytime, right from your phone. WorkRamp says this flexibility is key for busy schedules.
  • Learning by Doing (Virtually): Imagine practicing skills in a safe, fake world. That’s the power of Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR/VR). Edstellar says VR training is getting really popular because it lets you learn by doing in a realistic setting without any real-world risks.
  • Learning Your Way: Some L&D tech uses artificial intelligence to personalize the learning experience based on your strengths and weaknesses. These are Adaptive Learning Platforms. CYPHER Learning explains how AI can create custom learning paths and recommend what to learn next to help you improve the most.
  • Learning Together: Social Learning Platforms are like online communities where you can learn from each other. Share ideas, ask questions, and help each other out. WorkRamp says user-generated content and talking to colleagues are important for this type of learning.

Therefore, by understanding these different tools, companies can pick the ones that work best for their specific training needs. This way, new hires can learn the skills they need to succeed from day one!

Advantages of using L&D technology for new hires

However, implementing learning and development technology for new hire training isn’t just about fancy tools. It’s about making good business sense. Here’s why:

  • Get New Hires Up to Speed Faster: Imagine cutting down on training time! L&D technology streamlines onboarding, allowing new hires to learn the ropes quickly. This means they can become productive team members faster, which translates to getting things done sooner. For example, a study showed that IBM saved a whopping $200 million by revamping their training with online tools!
  • Consistent Training, Everywhere: Traditional training can be inconsistent, depending on the instructor. But with L&D technology, everyone gets the same high-quality training, no matter where they are. This ensures everyone is on the same page and following best practices.
  • Save Money and Scale Up Easily: Forget expensive classroom rentals and travel costs! L&D technology is a more budget-friendly option. Plus, it’s easy to scale up for a large number of new hires without breaking the bank. In fact, studies show HR managers can save up to 30 hours per week by using L&D tech, freeing up valuable time for other tasks.
  • Learning that Fits You: Not everyone learns the same way. L&D technology can personalize the learning experience based on your strengths and weaknesses. This way, you learn what you actually need to know, and you’re more likely to remember it.
  • Keep on Learning: L&D technology isn’t a one-time thing. These tools allow for continuous learning and development, so you can keep growing throughout your career.
  • Learning Can Be Fun!: Learning doesn’t have to be boring! L&D technology can incorporate games, simulations, and interactive features to make learning more engaging and enjoyable. This keeps you motivated and wanting to learn more.
  • Track Your Progress: Like a fitness tracker for your brain, some L&D technology tracks your learning progress. This helps both you and your company see what’s working and what’s not, so you can keep improving the learning experience. Plus, it eliminates the human error that can creep into manual data entry, which can be a big problem with traditional methods. Studies have shown that manual data entry can have error rates as high as 40%!

Therefore by using L&D technology, companies can bridge the skills gap for new hires, create a culture of continuous learning, and build a skilled and adaptable workforce. This winning team is what propels businesses towards success!

Nearly half of employees (46%) worry their current skills will be outdated by 2024

Challenges and limitations of using L&D technology

While the benefits of using Learning and Development (L&D) technology for new hire training are significant, it is essential to acknowledge and address the potential challenges and limitations that may arise. Here are some key considerations supported by expert insights:

  1. Technology Adoption and Digital Literacy: The successful use of L&D technology depends on both instructors and learners being comfortable with digital tools. In other words, their digital literacy and how quickly they adopt new technologies will play a big role. For some people, adapting to these new learning platforms can be challenging, which could slow down the learning process. As Deloitte points out, companies often struggle with how to handle the complex data that L&D technology generates. They may also lack the right people with the expertise to manage these technologies effectively.
  2. Lack of Personal Interaction: While L&D technology can facilitate virtual interactions and collaboration, it may lack the personal touch and face-to-face engagement that some learners prefer. This can impact the overall learning experience and knowledge retention. According to a report by the Chief Learning Officer, despite AI’s advantages in creating personalized learning experiences, there are still challenges in ensuring these interactions feel personal and engaging​.
  3. Technical Challenges and Compatibility Issues: Integrating various L&D technologies with existing systems and ensuring compatibility across different devices and platforms can pose technical challenges, potentially leading to disruptions or accessibility issues. For example, Deloitte highlights organizations’ common difficulties in managing and integrating data from diverse sources, which can be extrapolated to L&D technology integration​.
  4. Content Development and Maintenance: Creating high-quality, engaging, and up-to-date digital learning content can be resource-intensive and time-consuming. Organizations must invest in skilled instructional designers and subject matter experts to develop and maintain effective training materials. Additionally, the Chief Learning Officer emphasizes the importance of having robust content development processes to ensure the effectiveness of L&D programs​.
  5. Data Privacy and Security Concerns: As L&D technology often involves collecting and storing learner data, organizations must ensure robust data privacy and security measures to protect sensitive information and comply with relevant regulations. The Deloitte AI Institute points out the significant data management and governance challenges of adopting new technologies​.
  6. Resistance to Change: In addition, introducing new L&D technologies may face resistance from some employees or instructors who are accustomed to traditional training methods. Effective change management strategies and communication are crucial to overcome this resistance and foster adoption. The Chief Learning Officer article notes that L&D professionals need to adapt to new technologies themselves and help others in the organization do the same​.
  7. Ongoing Costs and Maintenance: While L&D technology can be cost-effective in the long run, there may be significant upfront costs associated with purchasing and implementing the necessary hardware, software, and infrastructure. Additionally, ongoing maintenance and upgrades can incur recurring expenses. As Deloitte emphasizes, managing the lifecycle of technology investments is critical to ensuring their value and effectiveness over time​.

Addressing these challenges and limitations proactively will help organizations mitigate potential risks. It will also ensure the successful implementation of L&D technology for new hire training.


As we discussed earlier, businesses are changing fast these days. Therefore, it’s really important to ensure that new employees have the right skills to keep the company on top. Special tools called “learning and development technology” can help with this.

These tools can be like online classrooms or even games that teach new skills. They can be adjusted to fit what each new employee needs to learn best. There can be challenges, like getting people used to the new system or keeping the teaching materials up-to-date, but the benefits are worth it. New employees can learn faster, it costs less than traditional training, and you can track their performance.

These tools are always getting better, with even more exciting features on the way. Companies that use these new ways of teaching will be able to find the best employees, keep them happy and learning, and be successful in the long run.

Devia Anggraini
Devia Anggraini
Devia Anggraini 是 的资深主编,专注于发掘令人瞩目的创业故事和数据驱动的内容创作。她致力于为亚洲各地的公司提供平台,展示其创新和成就。通过她的深入洞察和引人入胜的文章内容,无论是初创企业还是成熟企业,Devia 确保它们获得应有的关注和认可



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