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Solve Education Annual Report 2023
StartupMeet The FoundersSebastien Picard's Burnt-Out Journey: The Bright Side of the Dark Side

Sebastien Picard’s Burnt-Out Journey: The Bright Side of the Dark Side

Read the uplifting story of Sebastien Picard, founder of, who turned burn-out into a journey of personal growth. In “The Bright Side of the Dark Side,” see how facing mental challenges helped him become stronger and more resilient.

By Emma Chiau, Pyschology Researcher at 

Emma Chiau is a psychology researcher at, where she specialises in the psychological complexities of entrepreneurs and team dynamics. With a strong academic background in psychology, Emma brings a wealth of knowledge and insight into how individual traits and distinct experiences shape the way individuals and teams navigate risks and challenges in entrepreneurial ventures. Her research focuses on applying psychological protocols in the context of entrepreneurship to enhance startups’ success likelihood. Emma’s work is instrumental in’s psychological support program, helping entrepreneurs and teams cultivate resilience, foster effective collaboration, and maintain mental well-being throughout their entrepreneurial journey.

Through this article Emma shares the story of how’s founder navigated burnout.

Startups Founder’s Burnt-Out Journey

This story chronicles the burnt-out journey of Sebastien Picard, the founder of Throughout his life, Sebastien navigated burnout and mental challenges. Moreover, introspection has significantly influenced his personal growth and shaped his resilience. Sebastien’s experience will resonate with individuals who have drawn strength and purpose from the trials and triumphs of entrepreneurship. His narrative epitomizes an unwavering commitment to entrepreneurial pursuits and is a testament to fortitude and self-discovery.

Burnout, which entrepreneurs commonly experience, is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged stress. It leaves individuals feeling depleted and unable to cope with their job’s demands. Sebastien’s most significant burnt-out journey began when he returned to France in 2018 after a first stint in Singapore. He was tasked with building and managing an intrapreneurship initiative at a business school in France, helping students develop their professional experience. His background in strategy work, entrepreneurship, and international exposure made him the best fit for the job. He proposed extending the master’s program to three years and adding a professionalization component.

Unfortunately, the school academic director who supported Sebastien’s project had to resign for political reasons. Despite having the backing of the student cohort, who trusted his vision, Sebastien was also seen as a representation of the former dean’s academic director’s work, which the new school administration vehemently opposed. 

As a result of these harrowing events, Sebastien found himself in deep ethical conflict. He experienced emotional and physical turmoil and exhibited symptoms such as extreme fatigue, brain fog, and mental exhaustion. After discussing these challenges with his doctor, Sebastien realized he was trying to fight against a system beyond his control and was diagnosed with work burnout. 

Experiencing a professional setback can feel like a personal loss for an entrepreneur. This can lead to a range of emotions, such as sadness, disappointment, frustration, and regret. Negative thoughts like shame and doubt may also arise, causing the entrepreneur to question their abilities and decisions. Dwelling on feelings of failure can result in anxiety, a fear of taking new risks, and even depression. A loss of identity may also become a concern as many entrepreneurs tie their self-worth to their endeavors. Their role as an effective professional is shaken, and their sense of self and confidence may be negatively impacted, contributing to a loss of purpose.

Sebastien chose not to compromise his values and stepped down from his intrapreneur position for a new opportunity in the Bahamas. Unfortunately, during this burnt-out journey, he did not address his burnout and quickly immersed himself in a new work and cultural environment. During this demanding transition, Sebastien Picard faced numerous personal issues, adding to his mental strain. Balancing professional and personal challenges had sadly become routine. These ongoing struggles led to what he humorously referred to as his “dark side.”

The Highs and Lows: A Balancing Act 

Even though staying optimistic when facing constant challenges can be difficult, Sebastien has become adept at balancing successes and setbacks. During his burnt-out journey, he viewed failures as learning opportunities and chose not to dwell on them. Instead, he quickly shifted his focus to new projects to maintain momentum. While optimism is beneficial when things are going well, Sebastien emphasizes the importance of not becoming complacent. Constantly looking ahead to the next step helps him stay motivated and grounded. This approach underscores the significance of managing emotions, maintaining resilience, and conserving energy during challenging times.

Emotional regulation contributes to entrepreneurial satisfaction in several ways. When held in check, emotions are less likely to cloud one’s judgment. High emotions can cause rash and impulsive decisions, but regulating them helps one remain objective and calm. Successful entrepreneurs can testify that emotional stability builds resilience, especially when facing constant rejection and criticism. Bouncing back from impediments and pushing through obstacles are vital features of emotional steadiness among entrepreneurs. Regulating one’s emotions is also a life skill characterizing strong leadership because it projects a sense of stability and control that inspires trust and confidence among peers and team members. 

Sebastien emphasizes that entrepreneurial success involves striking a balance between being a dreamer, not shying away from hard work, and fostering strong relationships within a team. Achieving this requires a mix of qualities like creativity, risk-taking, and regulation of emotions and energy. Psychological theories of personality link these attributes to certain traits found in entrepreneurs, such as predispositions for higher conscientiousness (thoroughness and attention to detail), higher openness to experience (willingness to try new things), lower neuroticism (emotional stability), and lower agreeableness (independence and determination). 

Building Yourself Beyond the Grind

Self-care and mental wellness are essential for entrepreneurs to succeed. Sebastien believes awareness of mental wellness is the first step. Additionally, seeking guidance from healthcare professionals was crucial for his mental health journey. Sebastien Picard values the safe space mental health professionals provide for reflection and insight. He emphasizes the importance of self-understanding when coping with work-related stress. Moreover, Sebastien is grateful for the unwavering support from friends and family. He highlights the imperative need for them to understand the demands of entrepreneurship.

Aside from seeking professional support and relying on understanding friends and family, Sebastien has implemented three strategies to help manage his mental health. First, he uses what he calls nanotactics, which are strategies for practising mindfulness regularly. Occasionally, smoking a cigar alone to create a “protective bubble” serves as a way for him to prioritise himself and escape the chaos of his daily entrepreneurial demands. He also engages in microtactics by practising Jiu-jitsu, which helps balance his mind and body. Sebastien finds that engaging in such activities keeps him from thinking about stressful issues while staying focused. Jiu-jitsu has also provided him with a constructive way to release the stress accumulated from work, preventing it from building up inside.

Lastly, Sebastien describes macro tactics as strategies that require more personal time, such as travelling. He refers to Hong Kong as his haven, where he can continue working without the environmental reminders of his stress at home. 

Reflection and Growth Enabled by Resilience and an Integrated Mind 

When asked how resilience and perseverance developed to overcome challenges, Sebastien shared that his predisposition to such traits came from his own life experiences. During his burnt-out journey, he explained that while some may have an innate propensity toward entrepreneurship, others may need to cultivate these attributes over time. Experiencing trauma while growing up and feeling different from others shaped Sebastien’s need to survive using skills learned along the way. The lack of emotional psychoeducation in his environment further contributed to his struggle. Sebastien’s experience of being rejected by his peers at school due to his aggressive behavior, resulting from trauma, was mitigated by the sense of safety and support he received at home. This support was vital in building resilience and the ability to bounce back from difficult situations and fight against adversities.

Sebastien Picard attributes his fighting spirit, perseverance, and growth mindset to the dual motivation of proving his capabilities to his father and seeking acceptance among peers. Through his life experience, overcoming rejection and pushing through extreme measures for validation contributed to building resilience. When working as a security guard and later joining the Air Force, Sebastien recalled instances where he discovered untapped abilities and a willingness to learn. He shared that he gained a deeper insight into his capabilities and potential by recognising and harnessing his strengths. This self-awareness can be empowering in navigating challenges more effectively and propel one towards success. 

Learning has been a crucial ally for Sebastien in his journey of self-discovery. He learned about himself and enhanced his performance through martial arts. Additionally, he applied a kinesthetic approach to learning English, adapting his teaching methods accordingly. This process provided him with valuable entrepreneurial skills he uses at xcube. Moreover, continuous learning and reflecting on failures as growth opportunities are mantras Sebastien lives by. Achieving entrepreneurial goals requires perseverance, resilience, and a mindset that sees failure as a step towards success. Mental toughness also integrates self-efficacy, childhood experiences, and stable traits over time.

Sebastien Picard’s story shows that the entrepreneurial path is rarely smooth, with challenges and setbacks expected. However, past traumas can add more hurdles. Yet, instead of being a hindrance, traumas can catalyze growth and positive change. Throughout his burnt-out journey, the lessons from adversity built resilience, identified strengths, and developed essential skills. Trauma and painful setbacks can teach entrepreneurs to navigate challenges more effectively. Through this, individuals learn more about themselves and manage their emotions, increasing self-awareness. This cycle of learning ensures that with every challenge overcome, entrepreneurs emerge stronger and better equipped for future endeavors.

Devia Anggraini
Devia Anggraini
Devia Anggraini 是 的资深主编,专注于发掘令人瞩目的创业故事和数据驱动的内容创作。她致力于为亚洲各地的公司提供平台,展示其创新和成就。通过她的深入洞察和引人入胜的文章内容,无论是初创企业还是成熟企业,Devia 确保它们获得应有的关注和认可



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